
Eventzilla API provides an easy way to integrate and extend Eventzilla for your event organizing requirements. It has predictable, resource-oriented URLs, which are organized around the JSON API. All API methods return responses in JSON format. In Version 1, we started off with the most common scenarios of retrieving data associated with your Eventzilla account. Version 2 introduces the most important capabilities of creating and processing a registration and checking in attendees. We would love to hear your feedback about the available and also hear from you about what else you would like to see in the API in future releases. So please feel free to drop us a line.
To get started with generating your own application x-api-key, use the link below.


In order to send a request to the Eventzilla API, you must generate a API x-api-key by creating a new application within your account settings section **(Settings > App Management)**. You must authenticate your account when using the API by including your API x-api-key in the request. Ensure that your API x-api-key is kept a secret and also remember that you can always disable old x-api-keys and create new ones under your Eventzilla account.
Eventzilla API is accessible only secure HTTPS protocol, so ensure that all requests are sent over **HTTPS** only. #### Sample x-api-key #### ``` x-api-key:565e95b08ad5210001000001bf8fe9787f6f4c674f2fd622844adf23 ```


Most of our methods support filtering and you can filter your request by using a field returned by a resource request as a query parameter. A common example would be to filter only live events by using: **/api/v2/event/?status=live**. Also, you can filter categories by using: **/api/v2/events?status=live&category=music**. #### API Endpoint #### ``` ```


Most of our methods, which return multiple records implement flexible paging in order to make responses faster. Following are the parameters available to use the paging utility with our API methods: #### API Endpoint #### ``` ``` #### Request Attributes #### | | | |----------: | ----------| |**PARAM**|**USAGE**|**DEFAULT VALUE**|**DESCRIPTION**| |offset __(integer)__ | ?paging[offset]= |0| Records to offset before returning the specified limit | |limit __(integer)__ | ?paging[limit]= |20| Limit of records per response |


To find **events** based on categories by a particular user. #### API Endpoints #### ``` ```
#### Response Attributes #### | | | |----------: | ----------| |category__(string)__ | Event category (Ex: Music, Conference) |

Example Request

curl ''\
-H "x-api-key: 5da984f26e412e71dbcccc89a7fa8cebe" \
#### Sample Result #### ```json { "categories": [ { "category": "Business" }, { "category": "Classes" }, { "category": "Conferences" }, { "category": "Conventions" }, { "category": "Networking" }, { "category": "Social Events" }, { "category": "Fundraisers" }, { "category": "Performing Arts" }, { "category": "Movies" }, { "category": "Music" }, { "category": "Sports" }, { "category": "Other Events" }, { "category": "Presentations" }, { "category": "Tradeshows" }, { "category": "Training" } ] } ```


A common example would be to find all the **events** by a particular user. The event object represents any event within the user's Eventzilla account #### API Endpoints #### ``` ```
#### Response Attributes #### | | | |----------: | ----------| |id__(number)__ | Unique Identifier of the event | |title__(string)__ | Title of the event | |description__(string)__ | Full description of the event in escaped HTML | |currency__(string)__ | Currency used for the event | |start_date__(datetime)__ | Start date for the first occurrence of this event | |end_date__(datetime)__ | End date for the first occurrence of this event | |dateid__(number)__ | Date id for the event on th day | |time_zone__(string)__ | Time zone where this event occurs | |tickets_sold__(number)__ | Number of tickets sold till date | |tickets_total__(number)__ | Total tickets available for this event | |status__(string)__ | Status of the event (Live / Draft / Unpublished / Completed) | |show_remaining__(bool)__ | Allow Display no of available tickets | |twitter_hashtag__(string)__ | Hashtag to include in auto-tweet | |utc_offset__(string)__ | Time span in hours between the event's time zone and UTC time | |invite_code__(string)__ | Invite code of this event | |url__(string)__ | Unique address (URL) for the event | |logo_url__(string)__ | Path of your uploaded logo image | |bgimage_url__(string)__| Path of your uploaded background image | |venue__(string)__ | Event Location Venue Details | |categories__(string)__ | Example - classes,conference,etc (Note: Events on multiple categories can be separated using a comma.) | |language__(string)__ | Language of your event | |description_html__(string)__ | Full description of the event | |timezone_code__(string)__ | (Standard time & Daylight saving time) |

Example Request

curl ''\
-H "x-api-key: 5da984f26e412e71dbcccc89a7fa8cebe" \
#### Sample Result #### ```json { "pagination": [ { "offset": 0, "limit": 20, "total": 2 } ], "events": [ { "id": 2138989212, "title": "Arts Contest", "description": "Enter description of your event", "currency": "$", "start_date": "2018-06-15T00:00:00", "start_time": "10:00", "end_date": "2018-06-15T00:00:00", "end_time": "23:00", "time_zone": "Eastern Standard Time", "tickets_sold": 0, "tickets_total": 100, "status": "Completed", "show_remaining": false, "twitter_hashtag": "", "utc_offset": "-05:00", "invite_code": "", "url": "", "logo_url": "", "bgimage_url": "https://eventzilla_polo.jpg", "venue": "2110, Cambridge, MA, United States", "dateid": 2138985706, "categories": "Business,Social Events,Conferences", "language": "en", "description_html": "

Event description



\r\n", "timezone_code": "EST" }, { "id": 2138988927, "title": "HopScotch", "description": "Enter description of your event", "currency": "$", "start_date": "2018-07-30T00:00:00", "start_time": "10:00", "end_date": "2018-07-30T00:00:00", "end_time": "23:00", "time_zone": "Eastern Standard Time", "tickets_sold": 16, "tickets_total": 100, "status": "Completed", "show_remaining": false, "twitter_hashtag": "", "utc_offset": "-05:00", "invite_code": "", "url": "", "logo_url": "", "bgimage_url": "https://HopScotch.jpg", "venue": "2110, Cambridge, MA, United States", "dateid": 2138983295, "categories": "Classes,Networking", "language": "en", "description_html": "

Event description



\r\n", "timezone_code": "EST" } ] } ```
#### API Endpoints #### ```{eventid} ```
#### Response Attributes #### | | | |----------: | ----------| |id__(number)__ | Unique Identifier of the event | |title__(string)__ | Title of the event | |description__(string)__ | Full description of the event in escaped HTML | |currency__(string)__ | Currency used for the event | |start_date__(datetime)__ | Start date for the first occurrence of this event | |end_date__(datetime)__ | End date for the first occurrence of this event | |dateid__(number)__ | Date id for the event on the day | |time_zone__(string)__ | Time zone where this event occurs | |tickets_sold__(number)__ | Number of tickets sold till date | |tickets_total__(number)__ | Total tickets available for this event | |status__(string)__ | Status of the event (Live / Draft / Unpublished / Completed) | |show_remaining__(bool)__ | Allow Display no of available tickets | |twitter_hashtag__(string)__ | Hashtag to include in auto-tweet | |utc_offset__(string)__ | Time span in hours between the event's time zone and UTC time | |invite_code__(string)__ | Invite code of this event | |url__(string)__ | Unique address (URL) for the event | |logo_url__(string)__ | Path of your uploaded logo image | |bgimage_url__(string)__| Path of your uploaded background image | |venue__(string)__ | Event Location Venue Details | |categories__(string)__ | Example - classes,conference,etc (Note: Events on multiple categories can be separated using a comma.) | |language__(string)__ | Language of your event | |description_html__(string)__ | Full description of the event | |timezone_code__(string)__ | (Standard time & Daylight saving time) |

Example Request

curl ''\
-H "x-api-key: 5da984f26e412e71dbcccc89a7fa8cebe" \
#### Sample Result #### ```json { "events": [ { "id": 2138988903, "title": "Scinetific Regroup Union", "description": "operation pluto", "currency": "$800", "start_date": "2019-06-29T00:00:00", "start_time": "04:30", "end_date": "2019-06-29T00:00:00", "end_time": "05:30", "time_zone": "Eastern Standard Time", "tickets_sold": 1, "tickets_total": 1100, "status": "Live", "show_remaining": false, "twitter_hashtag": "", "utc_offset": "-05:00", "invite_code": "", "url": "", "logo_url": "", "bgimage_url": "https://earth_mass.jpg", "venue": "virtual event", "dateid": 2138983274, "categories": "Social Events", "language": "en", "description_html": "

Event description



\r\n", "timezone_code": "EST" } ] } ```


GETReturns an tickets (ticket category) for the specified event

#### API Endpoint #### ```{eventid}/tickets ```
#### Response Attributes #### | | | |----------: | ----------| |id __(number)__ | Unique Identifier for this tickets | |title __(string)__ | Title of the ticket category | |quantity_total__(string)__ | Total no of ticket quantity | |price__(string)__ | Price of tickets | |description __(string)__ | Full discription of the tickets | |sales_start_date__(string)__ | Sales start date for the tickets| |sales_start_time__(datetime)__ | Start time of sales | |sales_end_date__(datetime)__ | Sales end date for the tickets | |sales_end_time__(string)__ | Sales end time for the tickets | |group_discount__(string)__ | Group discouunt of tickets, if applicable | |group_percentage__(string)__ | Group percentage of tickets, if applicable | |group_price__(string)__ | Group price of tickets, if applicable | |additional_instructions__(string)__ | Full additional description of tickets | |unlock_code__(string)__ | Unlock code of specified tickets, if applicable | |tickets__(string)__ | Ticket category(Paid/Free/Partial/Addons/donation/Approval/) | |isvisible__(bool)__ | Display the ticket category in sale page(Hide/Show) | |boxoffice_only__(string)__ | Allow to boxoffice sale, if applicable | |allow_partial_payment__(string)__ | Allow to partial payment of tickets , if applicable | |limit_minimum__(string)__ | Minimum limit of selected quantity | |limit_maximum__(string)__ | Maximum limit of selected quantity | |partial_payment_installments__(string)__ | No of installment for the partial payment | |partial_payment_frequency__(string)__ | Frequency of partial payment(Monthly/Weekly) | |partial_payment_amount__(string)__ | Splitted partial payment amount |

Example Request

curl ''\
-H "x-api-key: 5da984f26e412e71dbcccc89a7fa8cebe" \
#### Sample Result #### ```json { "tickets": [ { "id": 2138981848, "title": "Magic show ticket", "quantity_total": 100, "price": 100, "description": "tickets for entertainment", "sales_start_date": "2018-06-12T00:00:00", "sales_start_time": "00:00", "sales_end_date": "2018-07-30T00:00:00", "sales_end_time": "10:00", "group_discount": 0, "group_percentage": 0, "group_price": 0, "additional_instructions": "", "unlock_code": "", "ticket_type": "Platinum", "boxoffice_only": false, "is_visible": true, "limit_minimum": 1, "limit_maximum": 10, "allow_partial_payment": false, "partial_payment_installments": 0, "partial_payment_frequency": "", "partial_payment_amount": 0 } ], "donation": [ { "donationid": 1126, "title": "Help for Physically Challenge", "description": "Good ", "quantity_total": 52, "donation_minimum": "20", "donation_start_date": "2019-04-11T05:00:00", "donation_end_date": "2019-04-27T05:00:00" }] } ```


GETGet Individual transaction details for spcified event.

#### API Endpoint #### ```{eventid}/transactions ```
#### Response Attributes #### | | | |----------: | ----------| |transaction_ref__(string)__ | Order Reference for this transaction | |checkout_id__(number)__ | Unique Identifier for this transaction | |transaction_date__(string)__ | Timestamp of this transaction | |transaction_amount__(string)__ | Transaction amount | |tickets_in_transaction__(string)__ | Number of tickets / attendees in this transaction | |event_date __(datetime)__ | Event date for which this transaction corressponds to | |transaction_status__(string)__ | Transaction Status (Confirmed/Pending/Cancelled/Incomplete) | |user_id__(number)__ | Unique Identifier of the buyer for this transaction | |event_id__(number)__ | Unique Identifier of the event for this transaction | |title__(string)__ | Title of the event for this transaction | |email__(string)__ | Email address of the buyer | |buyer_first_name__(string)__ | First Name of the buyer | |buyer_last_name__(string)__ | Last Name of the buyer | |promo_code__(string)__ | Discount code used in this transaction, if applicable | |payment_type__(string)__ | Payment method used in this transaction, if applicable | |comments__(string)__ | Transaction comments / notes |

Example Request

curl ''\
-H "x-api-key: 5da984f26e412e71dbcccc89a7fa8cebe" \
#### Sample Result #### ```json { "pagination": [ { "offset": 0, "limit": 20, "total": 5 } ], "transactions": [ { "transaction_ref": "2018823145-178028", "checkout_id": 2138868785, "transaction_date": "2018-08-01T14:20:20", "transaction_amount": "$13.17", "tickets_in_transaction": 3, "event_date": "2018-07-31T15:00:00", "transaction_status": "Pending", "user_id": 42628, "event_id": 2138988852, "title": "Event Checking", "email": "", "buyer_first_name": "AK", "buyer_last_name": "Thomas", "promo_code": "", "payment_type": "Bank", "comments": "Transaction comments" }, { "transaction_ref": "2018723145-177631", "checkout_id": 2138869378, "transaction_date": "2018-07-20T14:28:28", "transaction_amount": 158.04, "tickets_in_transaction": 14, "event_date": "2018-07-31T15:00:00", "transaction_status": "Pending", "user_id": 42628, "event_id": 2138988852, "title": "Event Checking", "email": "", "buyer_first_name": "At", "buyer_last_name": " the door", "promo_code": "", "payment_type": "Bank", "comments": "Transaction comments" } ] } ```


GETGet attendees details for specified event.

#### API Endpoints #### ```{eventid}/attendees ```
#### Response Attributes #### | | | |----------: | ----------| |first_name__(string)__ | First name of this attendee | |last_name__(string)__ | Last name of this attendee | |ticket_type__(string)__ | Ticket / Registration type registered by this attendee | |bar_code__(string)__ | Unique bar code associated with this attendee | |is_attended__(string)__ | Checked-in / Attendance status of this attendee | |transaction_ref__(string)__ | Order Reference for this transaction | |questionid__(string)__ | Unique identifier of question | |questions__(string)__ | Full question | |answer__(string)__ | Full answer | |id__(number)__ | Unique Identifier for this transaction| |transaction_date__(string)__ | Timestamp of this transaction | |transaction_amount__(string)__ | Transaction amount | |event_date__(string)__ | Event date for which this transaction corressponds to | |user_id__(number)__ | Unique Identifier for this transaction | |event_id__(number)__ | event id | |title__(string)__ | Title of the event | |email__(string)__ | Email address of the buyer | |buyer_first_name__(string)__ | First name of the buyer | |buyer_last_name__(string)__ | Last name of the buyer | |payment_type__(string)__ | Payment method used in this transaction, if applicable |

Example Request

curl ''\
-H "x-api-key: 5da984f26e412e71dbcccc89a7fa8cebe" \
#### Sample Result #### ```json { "attendees": [ { "first_name": "John", "last_name": "H Watson", "ticket_type": "A Class", "bar_code": "15986598635445", "is_attended": "yes", "questions": [ { "questions": "social profile", "answer": "yes" } ], "transaction_ref": "20163458-8954", "id": 56894125, "transaction_date": "2018-07-17T07:53:50.832Z", "transaction_amount": 50, "event_date": "2018-07-17T07:53:50.832Z", "transaction_status": "confirmed", "user_id": 213564, "event_id": 2138988852, "title": "Sherlock Holmes Drama", "email": "", "buyer_first_name": "John", "buyer_last_name": "H Watson", "promo_code": "", "payment_type": "check" }] } ```

Toggle Sales

Event sale page Publish / Unpublish #### API Endpoints #### ``` ```

#### Request Attributes #### | | | |----------: | ----------| |eventid__(integer)__ | * event id | |status__(boolean)__ | * true - publish, false - unpublish | #### Response Attributes #### | | | |----------: | ----------| |eventstatus__(string)__ | event status result|

Example Request

curl ''\
-H "x-api-key: 5da984f26e412e71dbcccc89a7fa8cebe" \
-H "content-type: application/json" \
-DATA '{"eventid":2138988852,"status":true}'
#### Sample Result #### ```json { "eventstatus":"published" } ```

Event Orders

Event Order Confirmation.

#### API Endpoints #### ``` ```
#### Request Attributes #### | | | |----------: | ----------| |checkout_id__(integer)__ | * Unique Indentifier of checkout | |eventid__(integer)__ | * Unique Indentifier of Event | |comments__(string)__ | * Valid comment for confirmation | |sendemail__(boolean)__ | [optional] Set as true by default. Avoid sending emails by selecting false option | #### Response Attributes #### | | | |----------: | ----------| |orderconfirm__(string)__ | status message for order confirmation|

Example Request

curl ''\
-H "x-api-key: 5da984f26e412e71dbcccc89a7fa8cebe" \
-H "content-type: application/json" \
-DATA '{
    "comments": "organizer comments",
#### Sample Result #### ```json { "orderconfirm":"success" } ```

Event Order Cancellation.

#### API Endpoints #### ``` ```
#### Request Attributes #### | | | |----------: | ----------| |checkout_id__(integer)__ | * Unique Indentifier of checkout | |eventid__(integer)__ | * Unique Indentifier of Event | |comments__(string)__ | * Valid comment for cancellation | #### Response Attributes #### | | | |----------: | ----------| |orderconfirm__(string)__ | status message for order cancellation|

Example Request

curl ''\
-H "x-api-key: 5da984f26e412e71dbcccc89a7fa8cebe" \
-H "content-type: application/json" \
#### Sample Result #### ```json { "ordercancel":"success" } ```


GETOrganizer and sub-organizer response details

#### API Endpoints #### ``` ```
#### Response Attributes #### | | | |----------: | ----------| |id__(number)__ | Unique Identifier of the organizer for this account | |username__(string)__ | Organizer username | |first_name__(string)__ | First Name of the organizer | |last_name__(string)__ | Last Name of the organizer | |company__(string)__ | Organizer company name | |address_line1__(string)__ | Address line1 of the organizer | |address_line2__(string)__ | Address line2 of the organizer | |address_locality__(string)__ | Address locality of organizer | |address_region__(string)__ | Address region of organizer | |address_country__(string)__ | Address country to use for address | |zip_code__(string)__ | Zip code | |email__(string)__ | Organizer email id | |timezone__(string)__ | Time zone of this organizer | |website__(string)__ | Organizer website | |phone_primary__(string)__ | Primary phone | |avatar_url__(string)__ | Path of your uploaded avatar image | |facebook_id__(string)__ | Registered facebook URL | |twitter_id__(string)__ | Registered twitter URL | |last_seen__(string)__ | Lastupdated of this organizer account | |user_type__(string)__ | Represent the usertype(organizer/sub-organizer) |

Example Request

curl ''\
-H "x-api-key: 5da984f26e412e71dbcccc89a7fa8cebe" \
#### Sample Result #### ```json { "pagination": [ { "offset": 0, "limit": 20, "total": 20 } ], "users": [ { "id": 2130004479, "username": "", "first_name": "Edgar", "last_name": "Reade", "company": "MTA", "address_line1": "", "address_line2": "", "zip_code": "", "address_locality": "", "address_region": "", "address_country": "United States", "email": "", "timezone": "Eastern Standard Time", "website": "", "phone_primary": "7148887020", "avatar_url": "", "facebook_id": "", "twitter_id": "", "last_seen": "2018-07-03T08:21:37", "user_type": "organizer" } ] } ```
#### API Endpoints #### ```{userid} ```
#### Request Attributes #### | | | |----------: | ----------| |id__(integer)__ | Unique Identifier of the organizer for this account | |username__(string)__ | Organizer username | |first_name__(string)__ | First Name of the organizer | |last_name__(string)__ | Last Name of the organizer | |company__(string)__ | Organizer company name | |address_line1__(string)__ | Address line1 of the organizer | |address_line2__(string)__ | Address line2 of the organizer | |address_locality__(string)__ | Address locality of organizer | |address_region__(string)__ | Address region of organizer | |address_country__(string)__ | Address country to use for address | |zip_code__(string)__ | Zip code | |email__(string)__ | Organizer email id | |timezone__(string)__ | Time zone of this organizer | |website__(string)__ | Organizer website | |phone_primary__(string)__ | Primary phone | |avatar_url__(string)__ | Path of your uploaded avatar image | |facebook_id__(string)__ | Registered facebook URL | |twitter_id__(string)__ | Registered twitter URL | |last_seen__(string)__ | Lastupdated of this organizer account | |user_type__(string)__ | Represent the usertype(organizer/sub-organizer) |

Example Request

curl ''\
-H "x-api-key: 5da984f26e412e71dbcccc89a7fa8cebe" \
#### Sample Result #### ```json { "users": [ { "id": 2130004479, "username": "", "first_name": "Edgar", "last_name": "Reade", "company": "MTA", "address_line1": "", "address_line2": "", "zip_code": "", "address_locality": "", "address_region": "", "address_country": "United States", "email": "", "timezone": "Eastern Standard Time", "website": "", "phone_primary": "7148887020", "avatar_url": "", "facebook_id": "", "twitter_id": "", "last_seen": "2018-07-03T08:21:37", "user_type": "organizer" } ] } ```


GETGet Individual transaction details for the specified events or by using the order reference number.

#### API Endpoints #### ```{checkout_id}{refno} ```
#### Response Attributes #### | | | |----------: | ----------| |refno__(string)__ | Order Reference for this transaction | |checkout_id__(number)__ | Unique Identifier for this transaction | |transaction_date__(string)__ | Timestamp of this transaction | |transaction_amount__(string)__ | Transaction amount | |tickets_in_transaction__(string)__ | Number of tickets / attendees in this transaction | |event_date __(datetime)__ | Event date for which this transaction corressponds to | |transaction_status__(string)__ | Transaction Status (Confirmed/Pending/Cancelled/Incomplete) | |buyer_id__(number)__ | Unique Identifier of the buyer for this transaction | |event_id__(number)__ | Unique Identifier of the event for this transaction | |title__(string)__ | Title of the event for this transaction | |email__(string)__ | Email address of the buyer | |buyer_first_name__(string)__ | First Name of the buyer | |buyer_last_name__(string)__ | Last Name of the buyer | |promo_code__(string)__ | Discount code used in this transaction, if applicable | |payment_type__(string)__ | Payment method used in this transaction, if applicable | |comments__(string)__ | Transaction comments / notes | |transaction_tax__(string)__ | Transaction tax | |transaction_discount__(string)__ | Transaction discount | |eventzilla_fee__(string)__| Eventzilla service fee |

Example Request

curl ''\
-H "x-api-key: 5da984f26e412e71dbcccc89a7fa8cebe" \
#### Sample Result #### ```json { "transaction": [ { "refno": "2018723145-177631", "checkout_id": 2138869378, "transaction_date": "2018-07-20T14:28:28", "transaction_amount": 158.04, "tickets_in_transaction": 14, "event_date": "2018-07-31T15:00:00", "transaction_status": "Pending", "user_id": 42628, "event_id": 23145, "title": "Marvel Entries", "email": "", "buyer_first_name": "marry", "buyer_last_name": "jane", "promo_code": "", "payment_type": "Bank", "comments": "Transaction comments", "transaction_tax":2.30, "transaction_discount":0.00, "eventzilla_fee":5.63, } ] } ```


GET Get Individual attendees details for specified attendee information.

#### API Endpoints #### ```{attendeeid} ```
#### Response Attributes #### | | | |----------: | ----------| |first_name__(string)__ | First Name of this attendee | |last_name__(string)__ | Last Name of this attendee | |ticket_type__(string)__ | Ticket / Registration type registered by this attendee | |bar_code__(string)__ | Unique bar code associated with this attendee | |is_attended__(string)__ | Check In / Attendance status of this attendee | |refno__(string)__ | Order Reference for this transaction | |questions__(string)__ | Full question | |answer__(string)__ | Full answer | |id__(string)__ | Unique Identifier for this transaction | |transaction_date__(string)__ | Timestamp of this transaction | |transaction_amount__(string)__ | Transaction amount | |transaction_status__(string)__ | Event date for which this transaction corressponds to | |title__(string)__ | Title of the event | |email__(string)__ | Email address of the buyer | |buyer_first_name__(string)__ | First Name of the buyer | |buyer_last_name__(string)__ | Last Name of the buyer | |payment_type__(string)__ | Payment method used in this transaction, if applicable |

Example Request

curl ''\
-H "x-api-key: 5da984f26e412e71dbcccc89a7fa8cebe" \
#### Sample Result #### ```json { "attendees": [ { "first_name": "Kurt", "last_name": "Weller", "ticket_type": "Special VIP Stand", "bar_code": "235451365484736787", "is_attended": "Yes", "questions": [ { "questions": "Job Role", "answer": "Senior User Inerface Designer at Thoughthub" }, { "questions": "Organization", "answer": "Evenzilla corpration in india" }, { "questions": "Twitter", "answer": "twitter link comes here" } ], "refno": "2019323545-181531", "id": 2139049165, "event_date": "2026-01-17T06:30:00", "event_id": 2138988708, "transaction_date": "2019-03-16T06:33:14", "transaction_amount": 0, "transaction_status": "Confirmed", "title": "Breakfast included", "email": "", "buyer_first_name": "Kurt", "buyer_last_name": "Weller", "payment_type": "Bank" } ] } ```

Update Checkin/ Revert Checkin for attendees

#### API Endpoints #### ``` ```
#### Request Attributes #### | | | |----------: | ----------| |barcode__(string)__ | Unique code of attenddee in ticket available. | |eventcheckin__(boolean)__ | True - Check In , False - Revert Check In | #### Response Attributes #### | | | |----------: | ----------| |first_name__(string)__ | Attendee Firstname | |last_name__(string)__ | Attendee Lastname | |eventtitle__(string)__ | Event Title | |orderref__(string)__ | Event order reference | |email__(string)__ | Attendee Email-id | |status__(string)__ | Check In/Check Out Status |

Example Request

curl ''\
-H "x-api-key: 5da984f26e412e71dbcccc89a7fa8cebe" \
-DATA '{"barcode":"E098986516156112","eventcheckin":"true"}'
#### Sample Result #### ```json { "first_name": "Kurt", "last_name": "Weller", "eventtitle": "EventZilla", "orderef": "2018723145-177631", "email": "", "status": "Checkin" } ```


GET Checkout / Prepare

#### API Endpoints #### ```{eventid}/{dateid} ```
#### Response Attributes #### | | | |----------: | ----------| |payment_options__(array object)__ | All payment options except Eventzilla Payments | |tickettypes__(array object)__ | List of tickets categories available for event | |questions__(array object)__ | Question details for additional validation for ticket purchase | |discount_enabled__(boolean)__ | Discount option for tickets | |tax_enabled__(boolean)__ | Tax for the event tickets | |tax__(array object)__ | Tax information for event tickets |

Example Request

curl ''\
-H "x-api-key: 5da984f26e412e71dbcccc89a7fa8cebe" \
#### Sample Result #### ```json { "payment_options": [ { "payment_id":2138979159, "paymentoption_name":"cash" }, { "payment_id":2138979185, "paymentoption_name":"Bank" }, { "payment_id":2138979158, "paymentoption_name":"Check" }, { "payment_id":2138979165, "paymentoption_name":"Free ticket only" }, { "payment_id": 2138979179, "paymentoption_name": "stripe" } ], "tickettypes":[ { "ticket_type_id":5689, "ticket_type_name":"box office ticket", "ticket_type_price": "$2.5", "ticket_type_min_limit":2, "ticket_type_max_limit":10, "ticket_type_avail_quantity":5, "ticket_type_onsale":true, "ticket_type_description": "ticket type addtional description" } ], "questions":[ { "question_id":2138360281, "question_type":"txt", "question_text":"Will u refer your friend", "question_choices":[ "yes", "no" ], "question_waiver": "", "has_subquestion": false, "subquestion_rules": [] }, { "question_id": 2138362288, "question_type": "rdo", "question_text": "Do you need lunch?", "question_choice": [ "Yes", "No", "No option" ], "question_waiver": "", "has_subquestion": true, "subquestion_rules": [ { "question_id": 2138362291, "mapped_choice": [ "Yes" ] }, { "question_id": 2138362290, "mapped_choice": [ "No" ] }, { "question_id": 2138362284, "mapped_choice": [ "No option" ] } ] }, { "question_id": 2138362291, "question_type": "txts", "question_text": "If yes, Please list out the dish", "question_choice": [], "question_waiver": "", "has_subquestion": false, "subquestion_rules": [] } ], "discount_enabled": true, "tax_enabled": true, "tax": [ { "tax_type":"inclusive", "tax_name":"VAT", "tax_value":"2%" } ] } ```

Checkout / Create

#### API Endpoints #### ``` ```
#### Request Attributes #### | | | |----------: | ----------| |eventid__(integer)__ | Event id | |eventdateid__(integer)__ | Event date | |ticket_types__(array object)__ | Ticket information (ticket type & counts) | |discount_code__(string)__ | Discount code for event tickets | #### Response Attributes #### | | | |----------: | ----------| |checkout_id__(number)__ | Checkout id | |transaction_ref__(string)__ | Transaction reference id | |transaction_total__(number)__ | Transaction amount | |transaction_tax__(number)__ | Transaction amount tax charges | |transaction_discount__(number)__ | Transaction amount discount charges | |transaction_status__(string)__| Transaction status indication | |eventzilla_fee__(number)__ | Success information | |tickets__(array object)__ | Booked event ticket details | |currency__(string)__ | Currency type

Example Request

curl ''\
-H "x-api-key: 5da984f26e412e71dbcccc89a7fa8cebe" \
-H "content-type: application/json" \
-DATA '{
#### Sample Result #### ```json { "checkout_id": 21388601015, "transaction_ref": "2018823382-178432", "transaction_total": 102.49, "transaction_tax": 0, "transaction_discount": 0, "eventzilla_fee": 0, "currency": "$", "tickets": [ { "ticket_price_id": 1362622, "ticket_type_id": 32931, "ticket_type_name": "Platinum" }, { "ticket_price_id": 1362623, "ticket_type_id": 32930, "ticket_type_name": "A class" }, { "ticket_price_id": 1362624, "ticket_type_id": 32930, "ticket_type_name": "A Class" }, { "ticket_price_id": 1362625, "ticket_type_id": 32930, "ticket_type_name": "A class" } ] }```

Checkout / Fill Order

#### API Endpoints #### ``` ```
#### Request Attributes #### | | | |----------: | ----------| |eventid__(integer)__ | Event id | |eventdateid__(integer)__ | Event schedule date | |checkout_id__(integer)__ | Checkout id | |buyerdetails__(object)__ | Buyer information (name, emailid, secret questions) | |tickets__(object)__ | Ticketee information | |payment_id__(integer)__ | Payment information id | #### Response Attributes #### | | | |----------: | ----------| |checkout_id__(number)__ | Checkout id | |transaction_ref__(string)__ | Transaction reference information | |transaction_total__(number)__ | Totat price amount | |transaction_tax__(number)__ | Tax amount | |transaction_discount__(number)__ | Discount value | |eventzilla_fee__(number)__ | Eventzilla fee for tickets |currency__(string)__ | Currency type

Example Request

curl ''\
-H "x-api-key: 5da984f26e412e71dbcccc89a7fa8cebe" \
-H "content-type: application/json" \
-DATA '{
    "buyerdetails": [
            "buyer_firstname": "Dane",	 	 
            "buyer_lastname": "Joe", 
            "ticket_price_id": 1362622,
#### Sample Result #### ```json { "checkout_id":456322, "transaction_ref":"20200526225-456322", "transaction_total":20.00, "transaction_tax":2.30, "transaction_discount":0.00, "transaction_status":"confirmed", "eventzilla_fee":5.63, "currency": "$" } ```

Checkout / Confirm

#### API Endpoints #### ``` ```
#### Request Attributes #### | | | |----------: | ----------| |eventid__(integer)__ | Unique Identifier of the event | |eventdateid__(integer)__ | Unique Identifier of the event schedule date | |checkout_id__(integer)__ | Checkout id | |payment_status__(string)__ | Payment status for ticket confirmation | |comments__(string)__ | Comments for order confirmation | |sendemail__(boolean)__| [optional] Set as true by default. Avoid sending emails by selecting false option | #### Response Attributes #### | | | |----------: | ----------| |checkout_id__(number)__ | Checkout id | |transaction_ref__(string)__ | Transaction reference code | |transaction_total__(number)__ | Transaction reference code | |transaction_tax__(number)__ | Transaction reference code | |transaction_discount__(number)__ | Transaction reference code | |eventzilla_fee__(number)__ | Eventzilla fee amount | |transaction_status__(string)__ | Transaction status |confirmation_email_sent__(bool)__ | Ticket send to buyer email address | |currency__(string)__ | Currency type

Example Request

curl ''\
-H "x-api-key: 5da984f26e412e71dbcccc89a7fa8cebe" \
-H "content-type: application/json"\
-DATA '{
    "comments": "organizer comments",
#### Sample Result #### ```json { "checkout_id" : 456322, "transaction_ref" : "20200526225-456322", "transaction_total" : 5.0, "transaction_tax" : 7.0, "transaction_discount":0 , "eventzilla_fee" : 3.0, "transaction_status":"confirmed", "confirmation_email_sent":false, "currency": "$" } ```